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Family groups

Our family groups all have individual rooms and resources appropriate to their ages


We understand that placing your child in the care of another can be daunting, but like you, we want the best for your child. 


At Seesaws, we provide an atmosphere similar to that of home so that you can relax in the knowledge that your child is being given constant care and individual attention by our qualified staff. 




Your child will be able to play, learn and grow in a secure and independent Baby Suite which has been carefully designed to meet your baby's needs. 


Our Baby Suites are large, bright and airy day rooms with adjoining sleeping areas allowing staff to check on the children whilst they are asleep in their cots. 


Each of our Baby Suites are designed for 3 to 9 babies aged 6 weeks to 12 months with a staff ratio of 1:3. 


All babies are fed on demand and staff endeavour to adhere to each baby's routine as much as possible by liaising with parents. All formula milk and freshly prepared weaning food are provided. 




We provide a wide range of activities and toys designed to encourage new skills at every stage of your baby's life. Whether it's sitting, crawling, walking or talking - we are prepared. Staff provide lots of love and cuddles to ensure babies feel both happy and secure, and grow in confidence just as they would at home. 




We know it's important for you to be as much a part of your baby's day as possible, so we like to keep a diary for you of your child's day outlining their sleep patterns, nappy changes, nutrition, and activities they have done. 


At Seesaws we have an open door policy for parents and staff are happy to discuss progress daily as required. We also hold a bi-annual parents evening, giving you time to discuss your baby's progress with staff further. 







When your child reaches their first birthday, they will be able to join our Tweeny room. Being 1-2 years old can be tough and tiring, but we ensure that each child receives all the love and encouragement they need to develop over this vital period. 




Much like our Baby Suites, our Tweeny Rooms are large, bright and airy with age appropriate furniture and toys. The children range from 12 months to 2 years with a staff ratio of 1:3. 


Sleep routines usually begin to follow a pattern at this stage of life, with most children having a nap in the morning and again in the afternoon. We have chosen special nap-time areas with sleep mats, allowing staff to monitor children whilst they are asleep. 


All children are served our carefully planned nursery menu with individual dietary needs catered for, such as dairy and gluten intolerances. At this stage we encourage your children to feed themselves with a helping hand from our staff. 


Monthly assessments are completed with a full record of your child's development in the areas of physical, language, intellectual, emotional and social development. The result of these assessments ensure that nursery staff plan activities to develop each child's individual skills. A development folder is produced with a range of your child's work. 




Children between 12 months and 2 years will be encouraged to recognise colours and shapes, learn songs and rhymes, enjoy books and stories, develop their drawing and painting skills, and hone-in on their table manners. 




As with babies, parent's evening are held bi-annualy giving you the opportunity to discuss your child's development in detail.  


When your child reachers their second birthday, they will join our 2-3s room.

Being 2-3 years old can be even more challenging than 1-2 years, but we ensure that each child receives all the love and encouragement they need to develop over this vital period. 




Similar to our Tweeny Rooms, but with children ranging from 2-3 years old with a staff ratio of 1:4 and further equipment and resources providing new and challenging development experiences. 


Activities are planned and evaluated regularly to ensure they are meeting the needs of all the children. Emphasis is placed not only on having fun, but also providing the individual attention each child needs. 


Sleep routines usually begin to follow a pattern at this stage of life, with most children having only one nap either in the morning or the afternoon. We have chosen special nap-time areas with sleep mats, allowing staff to monitor children whilst they are asleep. 


As with Tweenies, children are served our carefully planned nursery menu with individual dietary needs catered for, such as dairy and gluten intolerances. At this stage we encourage your children to feed themselves with a helping hand from our staff. 


As with all ages groups Seesaws uses the Tapestry program to monitor progress for the children. To see more about this CLICK HERE. This encourages parents to interact with their children's learning which is crucial at this stage. 




Apart from Tapestry as with all age groups, parent's evening are held bi-annualy giving you the opportunity to discuss your child's development in detail.  




Pre School

School may seem far away at aged 3, however we think it is vital to prepare your child for the school transition as soon as possible. This makes the school starting process a lot less challenging and daunting for both child and parent. 




Qualified staff lead our teams in introducing additional skills to your child. 


​The EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) is based around seven areas of learning which will be taught mostly through games, play and experimentation. 


  • Communication and Language 

  • Physical development

  • Personal, social and emotional development

  • Literacy 

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding the world

  • Expressive arts and design


The teaching staff provide continual assessment, with written reports for each child and regular parents evenings. Within pre-school, staff set up the foundations by working through "stepping stones" - attainable targets for each child to aspire towards and achieve. Development is recorded through Tapestry, our online journal which records all the learning and fun your child has. Parents can access these journals. 


At Seesaws our curriculum offers Phonics, Mathematics, Science, French, Music and Computer familiarisation for all children, including those with special learning needs. 



Pre School continued



Allied with a pre-school education programme that is set out by the Department of Education, Seesaws also benefits from smaller classes with 1 teacher to only 8 children. Each day, staff concentrate on 1 teacher led activity with the rest of the learning focused on child-initiated play.


Our 4 main aims are: 


  • To be motivated

  • To be socially and emotionally competent 

  • To be independent 

  • To be confident 


As your child achieves these stepping-stones with our staff, they are laying the foundations for further learning and development and so easing the transition to school. Our "School Ready Programme" includes the children wearing 'uniform' and participating in visits to many places of interest, including our local care homes, farms, shops, libraries and other community places. 


Pre-school children, as with other groups, will be encouraged to present and talk about their work to staff, parents, visitors and amongst themselves, thereby promoting a sense of pride and achievement. They will have PE, Dance, French, Football and Music classes with many external specialists visiting the nurseries each week. They also have the opportunity to participate in a Forest Schools programme with visits to the local park. 


We think it is important that all children at Seesaws are taught to value friendship, honesty, fairness, and respect for others. Staff promote an equal opportunities policy for all children. Child are taught British Values and learning through the Curiosity Approach. 




We love to celebrate all your children's achievements and at the end of every academic year, we host a graduation ceremony for all children leaving the nursery to go to school. This is a fun-packed day for the children, staff and you! Through our graduation ceremony we hope to instil a sense of pride in the children for all they have achieved at nursery and a sense of excitement to be moving on to school. 

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